Classic mobile Tencent Wechat had 100 emoticons and other symbols, the desktop / web version added 5 more. QQ seems to use a subset of these.
Emoticon Faces
Code |
Input |
Emoji |
Image |
Description |
:) |
/::) |
:smile: :smiley: :slightly_smiling_face: |
smile |
:~ |
/::~ |
:grimacing: |
grimace |
:B |
/::B |
:drooling_face: :heart_eyes: |
drool |
:\| |
/::\| |
(:imp: :rage: :confused: ) #362 |
scowl |
8-) |
/:8-) |
:sunglasses: |
cool |
:< |
/::< |
:sob: |
sob |
:$ |
/::$ |
:blush: |
shy |
:X |
/::X |
:zipper_mouth_face: :no_mouth: |
silent |
:Z |
/::Z |
:sleeping: |
sleep |
:'( |
/::'( |
:cry: |
cry |
:-\| |
/::-\| |
#363 |
awkward |
:@ |
/::@ |
:angry: |
angry |
:P |
/::P |
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: |
tongue |
:D |
/::D |
:grin: :grinning: :laughing: |
grin |
:O |
/::O |
:open_mouth: |
surprise |
:( |
/::( |
:frowning: :frowning_face: |
frown |
:+ |
/::+ |
#364 |
ruthless |
--b |
/:--b |
(:blush:) |
blush |
:Q |
/::Q |
:scream: |
scream |
:T |
/::T |
:nauseated_face: |
puke |
,@P |
/:,@P |
🤭 (Unicode10) |
chuckle |
,@-D |
/:,@-D |
😊 |
joyful |
:d |
/::d |
#365 |
slight |
,@o |
/:,@o |
:smirk: |
smug |
:g |
/::g |
(:yum:) |
hungry |
\|-) |
/:\|-) |
(:sleepy: :tired_face: :weary:) |
drowsy |
:! |
/::! |
(:fearful: :cold_sweat:) |
panic |
:L |
/::L |
:sweat: :cold_sweat: :disappointed_relieved: |
sweat |
:> |
/::> |
:laughing: :joy: |
laugh |
:,@ |
/::,@ |
#283 |
commando |
,@f |
/:,@f |
:persevere: |
determined |
:-S |
/::-S |
🤬 (Unicode10) |
scold |
? |
/:? |
:fearful: |
shocked |
,@x |
/:,@x |
🤫 (Unicode10) |
shhh |
,@@ |
/:,@@ |
:dizzy_face: :dizzy: |
dizzy |
:8 |
/::8 |
#366 |
tormented |
,@! |
/:,@! |
#367 |
toasted |
!!! |
/:!!! |
:skull: |
skull |
xx |
/:xx |
(:hammer:) |
hammer |
bye |
/:bye |
(:wave:) |
wave |
wipe |
/:wipe |
#368 |
speechless |
dig |
/:dig |
#369 |
nose_pick |
handclap |
/:handclap |
(:clap:) |
clap |
&-( |
/:&-( |
#370 |
shame |
B-) |
/:B-) |
#371 |
trick |
<@ |
/:<@ |
(:rage:) |
bah left |
@> |
/:@> |
(:rage:) |
bah right |
:-O |
/::-O |
#220 :tired_face: :weary: :sleepy: |
yawn |
>-\| |
/:>-\| |
#372 |
pooh pooh |
P-( |
/:P-( |
#373 |
shrunken |
:'\| |
/::'\| |
#374 :worried: |
tearing up |
X-) |
/:X-) |
#375 |
sly |
:* |
/::* |
:kissing: |
kiss |
@x |
/:@x |
#376 |
wrath |
8* |
/:8* |
#377 |
whimper |
Objects etc.
Code |
Input |
Emoji |
Image |
Description |
pd |
/:pd |
🔪 |
cleaver |
<W> |
/:<W> |
🍉 |
watermelon |
beer |
/:beer |
🍺 |
beer |
basketb |
/:basketb |
🏀 |
basketball |
oo |
/:oo |
🏓 |
ping pong |
coffee |
/:coffee |
:coffee: |
coffee |
eat |
/:eat |
🍚 |
rice |
pig |
/:pig |
🐷 |
pig |
rose |
/:rose |
🌹 |
rose |
fade |
/:fade |
🥀 |
wilt |
showlove |
/:showlove |
:lips: |
lips |
heart |
/:heart |
:heart: |
heart |
break |
/:break |
💔 |
broken heart |
cake |
/:cake |
🎂 |
cake |
li |
/:li |
:zap: |
lightning |
bome |
/:bome |
💣 |
bomb |
kn |
/:kn |
🗡 |
dagger |
footb |
/:footb |
:soccer: |
soccer |
ladybug |
/:ladybug |
🐞 |
ladybug |
shit |
/:shit |
💩 |
poop (without face) |
moon |
/:moon |
🌛 🌜 🌝 :night_with_stars: :crescent_moon: |
moon (without face, = night) |
sun |
/:sun |
🌞 |
sun (= day, daylight, sunlight, sunshine) |
gift |
/:gift |
🎁 |
gift |
Gestures and Poses
Code |
Input |
Emoji |
Image |
Description |
hug |
/:hug |
(🤗) |
hug (should be Person Hugging, not Hugging Face) |
strong |
/:strong |
👍 |
thumbs up |
weak |
/:weak |
👎 |
thumbs down |
share |
/:share |
🤝 |
shake |
v |
/:v |
:v: |
peace |
@) |
/:@) |
#378 |
pre-fight gesture |
jj |
/:jj |
#379 |
beckon |
@@ |
/:@@ |
✊ |
(raised) fist |
bad |
/:bad |
#322 |
pinky |
lvu |
/:lvu |
🤘 🤟 |
rock on (sign of the horns) or ILY I love you hand sign |
no |
/:no |
(:point_up:☝) |
nuh uh |
ok |
/:ok |
:ok_hand: |
ok |
People / Penguins Acting
Code |
Input |
Emoji |
Image |
Description |
love |
/:love |
(:couple: :couple_with_heart_woman_man: :couplekiss_man_woman:) |
in love |
<L> |
/:<L> |
blowkiss |
jump |
/:jump |
waddle |
shake |
/:shake |
tremble |
<O> |
/:<O> |
aaagh |
circle |
/:circle |
twirl |
kotow |
/:kotow |
:bowing_man: |
kotow |
turn |
/:turn |
dramatic |
skip |
/:skip |
(:man_shrugging:) |
jump rope |
oY |
/:oY |
surrender |
Specific References
Animated variants
Code |
Image |
Chinese |
/::) |
U+E100 |
微笑 |
/::~ |
U+E101 |
撇嘴 |
/::B |
U+E102 |
色 |
/::\| |
U+E103 |
发呆 |
/:8-) |
U+E104 |
得意 |
/::< |
U+E105 |
流泪 |
/::$ |
U+E106 |
害羞 |
/::X |
U+E107 |
闭嘴 |
/::Z |
U+E108 |
睡 |
/::'( |
U+E109 |
大哭 |
/::-\| |
U+E110 |
尴尬 |
/::@ |
U+E111 |
发怒 |
/::P |
U+E112 |
调皮 |
/::D |
U+E113 |
呲牙 |
/::O |
U+E114 |
惊讶 |
/::( |
U+E115 |
难过 |
/::+ |
U+E116 |
酷 |
/:--b |
U+E117 |
冷汗 |
/::Q |
U+E118 |
抓狂 |
/::T |
U+E119 |
吐 |
/:,@P |
U+E120 |
偷笑 |
/:,@-D |
U+E121 |
可爱 |
/::d |
U+E122 |
白眼 |
/:,@o |
U+E123 |
傲慢 |
/::g |
U+E124 |
饥饿 |
/:\|-) |
U+E125 |
困 |
/::! |
U+E126 |
惊恐 |
/::L |
U+E127 |
流汗 |
/::> |
U+E128 |
憨笑 |
/::,@ |
U+E129 |
大兵 |
/:,@f |
U+E130 |
奋斗 |
/::-S |
U+E131 |
咒骂 |
/:? |
U+E132 |
疑问 |
/:,@x |
U+E133 |
嘘 |
/:,@@ |
U+E134 |
晕 |
/::8 |
U+E135 |
折磨 |
/:,@! |
U+E136 |
衰 |
/:!!! |
U+E137 |
骷髅 |
/:xx |
U+E138 |
敲打 |
/:bye |
U+E139 |
再见 |
/:wipe |
U+E140 |
擦汗 |
/:dig |
U+E141 |
抠鼻 |
/:handclap |
U+E142 |
鼓掌 |
/:&-( |
U+E143 |
糗大了 |
/:B-) |
U+E144 |
坏笑 |
/:<@ |
U+E145 |
左哼哼 |
/:@> |
U+E146 |
右哼哼 |
/::-O |
U+E147 |
哈欠 |
/:>-\| |
U+E148 |
鄙视 |
/:P-( |
U+E149 |
委屈 |
/::'\| |
U+E150 |
快哭了 |
/:X-) |
U+E151 |
阴险 |
/::* |
U+E152 |
亲亲 |
/:@x |
U+E153 |
吓 |
/:8* |
U+E154 |
可怜 |
/:pd |
U+E155 |
菜刀 |
/:<W> |
U+E156 |
西瓜 |
/:beer |
U+E157 |
啤酒 |
/:basketb |
U+E158 |
篮球 |
/:oo |
U+E159 |
乒乓 |
/:coffee |
U+E160 |
咖啡 |
/:eat |
U+E161 |
饭 |
/:pig |
U+E162 |
猪头 |
/:rose |
U+E163 |
玫瑰 |
/:fade |
U+E164 |
凋谢 |
/:showlove |
U+E165 |
嘴唇 |
/:heart |
U+E166 |
爱心 |
/:break |
U+E167 |
心碎 |
/:cake |
U+E168 |
蛋糕 |
/:li |
U+E169 |
闪电 |
/:bome |
U+E170 |
炸弹 |
/:kn |
U+E171 |
刀 |
/:footb |
U+E172 |
足球 |
/:ladybug |
U+E173 |
瓢虫 |
/:shit |
U+E174 |
便便 |
/:moon |
U+E175 |
月亮 |
/:sun |
U+E176 |
太阳 |
/:gift |
U+E177 |
礼物 |
/:hug |
U+E178 |
拥抱 |
/:strong |
U+E179 |
强 |
/:weak |
U+E180 |
弱 |
/:share |
U+E181 |
握手 |
/:v |
U+E182 |
胜利 |
/:@) |
U+E183 |
抱拳 |
/:jj |
U+E184 |
勾引 |
/:@@ |
U+E185 |
拳头 |
/:bad |
U+E186 |
差劲 |
/:lvu |
U+E187 |
爱你 |
/:no |
U+E188 |
NO |
/:ok |
U+E189 |
OK |
/:love |
U+E190 |
爱情 |
/:<L> |
U+E191 |
飞吻 |
/:jump |
U+E192 |
跳跳 |
/:shake |
U+E193 |
发抖 |
/:<O> |
U+E194 |
怄火 |
/:circle |
U+E195 |
转圈 |
/:kotow |
U+E196 |
磕头 |
/:turn |
U+E197 |
回头 |
/:skip |
U+E198 |
跳绳 |
/:oY |
U+E199 |
挥手 |
/:#-0 |
U+E200 |
激动 |
/:hiphot |
U+E201 |
街舞 |
/:kiss |
U+E202 |
献吻 |
/:<& |
U+E203 |
左太极 |
/:&> |
U+E204 |
右太极 |
Note how the PUA codes seem to use three-digit decimal numbers, although they are of course really hexadecimal. Some of the missing codes in between are actually used by WeChat, though.